Science Magazine

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Dorotea M & Hannah DD – Senior Student Editors (Year 12)

Science is all around us. And within us. Every single human life is created in accordance to the most fundamental principles of science; these principles having governed the creation of lifeforms for billions of years prior to our existence as homo sapiens. Science itself is a ubiquitous phenomenon, which studies everything from the tiniest particles of matter, to the formation of galaxies! Science surrounds and envelopes us: it is inescapable. Science not only manifests itself within notably complicated fields, such as quantum mechanics or neuroscience, but also in the quotidian areas of life, for example, it creates the materials of our sports clothing, designed to absorb sweat whilst still remaining lightweight. Or, the tyres on our cars, specifically engineered to compromise between friction and motion…whilst still providing that extra edge which allows drivers to win a Formula 1 GP. The field of science possesses parameters that stretch far and wide, encompassing virtually every aspect of our lives and existence.

The study of the sciences is about asking questions to discover more – it’s about refusing to tolerate a lack of knowledge. The best scientists are those who ask questions like ‘what,’ ‘how’ or ‘why’, in order to deepen their knowledge of themselves and their surroundings. Interestingly, the first ‘scientists’, were actually considered to be ‘natural philosophers,’ because they devoted their lives to questioning the nature of our existence, and the reasons why the world functions in the way that it does, instead of simply accepting the status quo, like the majority of their peers. These people were the first to show a passion for unearthing facts about the world in which they resided. This hunger, this desire to learn new, profound truths about the world is what prompted the birth of science, and is the reason society has been able to advance in way it has done to this day. There is something so special in being able to prove something as utterly, undoubtedly the truth, something so fulfilling in understanding why things work in the way that they do. The best thing about science is there will always be more questions to ask, more problems to solve, and more concepts to comprehend.

As we gain understanding of our world, we gain power – the power to answer such questions. We are able to apply our knowledge to develop advanced innovative technologies that benefit all of mankind. Science has been responsible for a myriad of developments in recent years, across so many different fields, however each and every one of them has contributed either to a better quality of life, or to a progression in scientific research that will inevitably solve some of our biggest issues regarding climate change, antibiotic resistance, or resource supply.

The challenges are numerous. Right now, whilst we are writing this editorial, the world population is expected to reach 8 billion people, that is 33% more than the population in 2000! Evidently, an understanding of science shapes the way we tackle such challenges. Chemical reactions such as the Haber-Bosch process, that is responsible for ammonia production, and thus the production of fertilisers, is essential in keeping a constant agricultural supply of food around the world. Another example is the development of the Covid vaccine. In the recent years, the global pandemic has clearly highlighted the need for science, as were it not for the vaccine, healthcare services would have collapsed and social distancing and online learning would be our new norm. The Covid vaccine is a result of the hard work of many scientists who had been working on curating mRNA which in turn allows our immune systems to start producing antibodies. Ultimately, this combination of human understanding, aligned with the nature of the human body, ensures that our cells recognise these antigens, and our immune system can combat them when required to do so. On the other hand, the potential of science not only includes enhancing our immune systems, but also exploring what lies beyond our planet, as well as everything in-between. Recently, NASA has introduced their new moon mission, as part of the Artemis program, in which they aim to further human exploration in space. Ultimately, NASA plans to send people to the moon in what will become the first crewed spacecraft since the moon landings of 1972. This is an amazing feat combining both engineering and astrophysics, and success in this mission will revitalise life as we know it. Science has transformed our world significantly, and will only continue to do so: the digital revolution is upon us, bringing with it innovations such as autonomous cars and robotic surgery. However, these developments have only been possible, as a result of certain individuals having had the courage to question and desire to pursue knowledge. Therefore, it is so important that we continue to do so, in order to keep learning and progressing as a society… Every day, new scientific discoveries are unveiled, as the field of science expands faster than ever before.

The Science Magazine, is such a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in science to come forward and share their passions and ideas with one and all, regardless of age or ability. We urge anyone with a scientific flare to get involved in any way possible, whether it be through reading the Science Magazine, or through submitting an article. The Science Magazine wishes to establish an environment in which budding scientists are encouraged to pursue and learn more about their scientific interests, and share them with the rest of our community in a way that emulates scientific research. We also hope that you will find these articles inspiring, being influenced to explore the areas of science you’re most fascinated by, and possibly even discovering new topics along the way!

Meet the Team

Hi, my name is Dorotea, and I am the Science Editor for the GSAL Journal. Science, in all its forms, has always been something fascinating to me; yet what truly captivates me is the invaluable power of science, and how we can use our knowledge to make a difference in the world by helping others, hence my love for medicine in particular. I find it beautiful that by gaining an understanding of the innate workings of the human body we can use this to work through new medical problems and ultimately solve them. Scientific research is also an area that I am deeply passionate about as I believe that science is not just about memorising the facts given to you in lessons, but taking the time to explore what interests you. In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis, volunteering, and learning French!

Dorotea M

Hey, my name is Hannah, and I am the Science Editor for the GSAL Journal! For me, one of the main reasons why I love science so much, is because without it, we wouldn’t be able to possess the ever-expanding knowledge about the universe and our existence in it that we do to this day. I’d say that my favourite branch of science is definitely physics, and in particular, I really enjoy astrophysics, as I’m obsessed by the idea of exploring and learning more about the universe! Thinking about the potential for extra-terrestrial life, or about how the universe came to be, are questions that entertain me profusely! Outside of the classroom, I really enjoy music, reading, and MUN.

Hannah DD

Editor Archive

Editors 2021-2022

Matthew A & Aashmi S – Chief Editors (Year 12)

Maria L & Abbie T – Deputy Editors (Year 12)

Humans are, by nature, a highly curious species; yet, the world we live in is equally as complex. Theodore Roszak believed that ‘nature composes some of her loveliest poems for the microscope and telescope,’ and this idea perfectly describes how science deepens our understanding of the universe. Curiosity and analytical reasoning are two attributes that complement each other very well and thus, the very nature of science is one that is remarkably inevitable. 

Pure mathematics was one of the first areas of science to be studied. Many great mathematicians such as Pythagoras and Archimedes looked for patterns in the primes, theorems for circles, irrational numbers, and so much more. These scholars were studying maths for its inherent beauty, with no desire for any real-world applications. 

However, scholars soon realised that maths does have real-world applications. Early physicists used the pre-existing ideas of trigonometry to calculate the angle that light bends when entering a medium and geometry to describe the elliptical paths of planets. Theorems in pure mathematics were applied to the real world and a new field of research was created. Nowadays, this field is capable of describing extremely small quarks as well as tremendously large galaxies. We call this field physics. 

Nowadays, there are hundreds of areas of mathematics; for example, number theory, complex analysis, hyperbolic geometry and combinatorics. Physics also covers a vast area of science and has been applied to many different fields such as medicine, engineering, chemistry and geography. If you are interested in black holes or quantum mechanics, for example, then why not learn about these fascinating topics and write for Science Magazine? 

The Science Magazine has already published many fascinating contributions in the physical sciences, ranging from the aerodynamics of Formula 1 cars to the applications of quantum entanglement. If you prefer the theoretical side of sciences, there are multitudes of articles ranging from the link between neutrinos and dark matter, to the convergence of the sum of reciprocals, and much, much more. 

With science, there is always more to be learnt. 

Science is imperative in understanding natural phenomena in the physical world. Our very knowledge of human history relies on information obtained through scientific research and experimentation. From lifestyle medicine, such as diets and regular exercise, formulated by Hippocrates in 400 BC, to the discovery of possible life on Venus as recently as November 2020, natural science has allowed for astounding advances in daily life. 

As time has passed, the resources available to scientists have increased, unlocking more and more mysteries about the universe. Microscopes have advanced along with scientific innovation; initially starting as flea glasses that were used to study small insects, they can now be used to examine cell activity and hypothesise the beginning of life. The widening possibilities of understanding our world invites more and more space for research. 

Many budding scientists have written intriguing articles on biological science. Medical-based contributions such as essays on the invention of the vaccine and the treatment of cancer can be found alongside award-winning articles relating to national wildlife. There is also an absorbing collection of social science contributions, sharing the issues of neurodegeneration and the chronic neurodevelopmental disorder of schizophrenia. 

The Science Magazine aims to create a space in which aspiring scientists are able to ask thought-provoking questions and share their knowledge with others. In a society where the world is transforming at an incredible pace thanks to scientific innovation, we must think critically and analyse situations in a way that is both scientifically accurate and inspiring to others. The GSAL Journal emphasises ‘passion, curiosity and creativity,’ and these are the very attributes that have been displayed in the many different entries. Various members of the GSAL community, from all age groups, have written exceptional entries and we encourage any enthusiastic scientist to do the same. 

The Science Editorial Team look forward to reading your stimulating contributions. MA & AS

Meet the Team

Hello, I’m Aashmi. I love gaining knowledge about any topic or subject and I think that that is the reason why I am so passionate about science – it is an infinite field where there’s always more to discover! While I enjoy all aspects of science, I am particularly fond of medicine and psychology. I am also very interested in mental health awareness and, out of school, I regularly volunteer at charities targeted towards young people struggling through mental illness.

Aashmi S

Hi, my name is Abbie and I am Deputy Editor of the Science Magazine. I am currently taking Biology and Chemistry as two of my A-levels and am considering carrying them on to university. There is not just one thing that interests me about science because it is such a broad subject with so much depth. I hope to educate and interest people with the Science Magazine, and potentially help readers and writers discover new scientific interests they did not realise they had. 

Abbie T

Hi, I’m Maria! I love everything to do with science and medicine, and I also have a great interest in languages and etymology; such that I dedicate a fair bit of my time to learning many different languages. I greatly enjoy learning anatomy as well as studying different theories in physics. Outside of school, I enjoy reading, both fiction and non-fiction, and piano.

Maria L

Hi I’m Matthew. My favourite areas of science include maths, physics and engineering. I really love pure mathematics because of the beautiful proofs required to solve extremely difficult problems like Fermat’s Last Theorem or The Riemann Hypothesis, which is still unsolved! I also really like theoretical physics because it uses mathematical equations to describe everything from particle interactions to galaxy formations. I look forward to reading many captivating entries and learning more about fascinating areas of science.

Matthew A

Editor 2019-2021

Flaka – Chief Editor

My name is Flaka. I started the Science Magazine in school because I wanted to spread my love of science to other people, and get them engaged in communicating science well. My aim is to have people produce writing that is first and foremost scientifically accurate, but also well explained in the sense that a non-specialist in that field would be able to understand what it is about. For myself, my objective is to pull it all together and produce a magazine that looks professional, mirroring the style of New Scientist, for example. My philosophy is that authors should be the ones learning from their mistakes; I make sure my editors are aware that, other than simple grammatical and spelling mistakes, they are to point out changes for the authors to make so that they can learn how to be better writers and science communicators. This magazine is meant to be a place for people to learn, including myself. I hope to learn how to manage people effectively to create a product that is a culmination of the efforts of many different people, who should all be credited appropriately for their work within the magazine. FT