GSAL Science Week Competition 2024

Editor’s Note: As part of their British Science Week celebrations, GSAL hosted a science writing competition on the theme of Time. The competition was open to all students in years 7-10 and received a good number of entries, all of which were read and independently judged. The entries interpreted the brief in a number of different and creative ways, from an acrostic poem to an adventure story, from a science experiment to short essays. It was fantastic to see students not only engaging with science, but also thinking creatively about how to present science to a wider audience in interesting and engaging ways. This diversity made for an enjoyable yet challenging task for the judges, but ultimately two entries were identified as winners, one from years 7/8 and one from years 9/10. The winning entries skillfully blended good science with creative presentation, and demonstrated knowledge, understanding and passion for their work. The winners were Rucha (Year 8) and Shaurya (Year 10), with Imaan, Jamie and William (Year 7), Tanisi (Year 8) and Isaac (Year 9) all Highly Commended. Congratulations to all! CPD

WINNER – Rucha (Year 8)

Editor’s Note: The judges particularly enjoyed this piece of work. You skillfully bring the complexities of nuclear physics to life in a most unexpected format: a poem. The skills you have developed in English literature really shine through, making your poem easy and enjoyable to read. The concept of time is a recurring motif with the rhythmic nature of the poem further enhancing the idea of a ticking clock – the poem is over in less than a minute, and yet, 700 million years later and U-235 is barely half done! This piece is beautifully simple – you have crafted it that way – and leaves the reader reflecting on the very nature of time itself. CPD

Uranium 235

Uranium 235, a reactive treasure,

With a half life so long, only time can measure,

An isotope so rare, the decay process slow,

That only time knows how long it can go.

One half life- 700 million years of decay,

That’s the time it takes for half the nuclei to go astray,

As the clock ticks by, particles are emitted,

Alpha, beta and gamma, the three are committed.

As years go by, uranium decays to lead,

While the other nuclei watch in absolute dread,

Lead 211, an isotope most fun,

A more stable element when the decaying is done.

Within the nucleus’ core, is where this process unfolds,

Gradually decreasing in the energy it holds,

In a cycle, unbound, until half the nuclei,

Have drifted away, waved the rest goodbye.

WINNER – Shaurya (Year 10)

Editor’s Note: Three of the entries sought to explore the idea of time travel, a topic that has enchanted students for generations. Whilst very appealing and relatively simple to grasp in some ways, as evidenced by it’s regular occurrence in science fiction, it soon becomes extremely theoretical and conceptually quite complex once you start to think more deeply about whether it is actually possible. Although some of the other time travel entries did certain specific elements better, the judges commented that this well-written piece really brought together references to science fiction and popular culture with physics, and went on to discuss some of the theoretical challenges faced. The effective use of diagrams and a list of references used also added to the overall impression that this was a strong entry. CPD

The Possibility of Time Travel


Time travel has been a sought-after concept throughout our existence, inspiring countless works of science fiction and speculation into its possibility. This begs the intriguing, age-old question: ‘Will humans ever be able to time travel?’. I will attempt to answer this by addressing the principles of time travel, the paradoxes and my opinion on whether this will ever be possible.

[T]he beauty lies in the journey of discovery, pursuit of knowledge and the acceptance that some mysteries are meant to last forever.

Fundamentals of time travel

We are familiar with ‘time machines’ such as the TARDIS from Doctor Who where one can enter the date and be transported at the press of a button. Unfortunately, such machines are unlikely to ever exist.  Einstein’s theory of general relativity suggests a possibility of time travel using gravity. It states that planets, stars and black holes warp the fabric of spacetime which can be visualised using a ‘gravity well’.

How does this relate to time travel? Not only do large objects warp space, but they also warp time, which is known as time dilation. Essentially, time moves slower in regions with stronger gravitational fields. Where time is extremely warped (such as near black hole), a path through spacetime can loop back on itself, called a closed loop. If this exists and time is significantly dilated, one could travel into their past or future. This is famously known as a ‘wormhole’, prominent in science fiction such as Interstellar and Star Trek. Confusing, right?

The Problems

Alas, theoretical possibility is not enough to prove practical existence so let’s look at the problems. First, travelling to the past brings issues with causality. The famous example: the grandfather paradox which is depicted in this image. It’s clear that the cycle continues endlessly without resolution.

Question is, what will happen if such paradox occurs? Some suggest a collapse of spacetime and the ending of the universe. The optimistic cohort suggests that the universe has mechanisms to prevent this. Overall, paradoxes pose a threat to the existence of time travel.

Another crucial point is that we are unaware of any time travellers. If we eventually get the technology to time travel, surely, we would have met time travellers from the future by now, right? Well, Stephen Hawking hosted a time travellers’ party in 2009 in which he only sent public invitations after the party so time travellers from the future would arrive, but no one did. Is this conclusive proof that time travel will never be possible? Could the event have been lost to history? Perhaps, time travellers chose not to attend. I suppose we will never know the answer.


Will time travel ever be possible? As a fan of science fiction, I say this with remorse, but I believe that time travel will remain a tantalising dream for humanity.  Theory does not always translate to reality. Even if remotely possible, the paradoxes make it perilous for the universe and mankind. Time is rather stubborn and refuses to spill its secrets. However, the beauty lies in the journey of discovery, pursuit of knowledge and the acceptance that some mysteries are meant to last forever. 


Time travel – Wikipedia

General relativity | Gravitational Waves, Spacetime & Cosmology | Britannica

Byjus – Grandfather Paradox

Stephen Hawking hosted a party for time travellers, but no one came | Mashable



Science  is what the makes the world go round.

Collecting all sorts of data to make it right

 I f it is not right you can try again.

Experimenting can accurately suggest that is correct

N ever ever will science stop it will go on forever

C an be false? Maybe It will suggest.

E nd you got your result, so you got science.

HIGHLY COMMENDED – Tanisi (Year 8)

The Evolution of Domestication

Since the dawn of time, humans have incessantly adapted their surroundings to their advantage – such as the genetic modification of animal species for tasks spanning from labour to the ardour companionship brings. Another instance being the domestication of crops (wheat, barley, lentils, etc…) which were selectively bred and cultivated for the fibre they provide – yet sagacity was never a key descriptor of our kind. In question of morality, the critical dispute remains; was domestication ethical?

In comparison to a creature as large as the Blue Whale, humans are but a trivial dot in a grand scheme. Nonetheless, there’s a particular characteristic which separates Homo Sapiens from others- that we are intelligent life forms with highly-functioning brains. Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection emphasizes the point regarding the fact in how species evolve and adapt to their surroundings in order to survive- therefore accentuating the point that domestication was merely the insurance of the continued existence of the human race. Additionally, some may argue that certain aspects of industrial farming was mutually beneficial for both parties an example being the conceptualization of keeping cows which imparts convenience for them as they are housed and fed whilst providing the owner with milk and meat. Furthermore, accommodating gradually declining species can prevent extinction. Data collected in 1993 shows how our conservation methods have aided 48 mammal (such as the Mountain Gorilla) and bird species from eradication. Besides, animal enclosures assist conducting studies and is essential to develop our knowledge of our planet’s biodiversity.

In contrast, we as a whole have progressed and moved past the need for the constant assistance of animals- however, does this mean that our requirement for them is now devoid? Complications regarding animal domestication include issues such as large increases in global methane levels due to cattle and the query whether stripping an animal of its freedom is truly in their best interest. In addition, evidence shows how captivity can alter an animal’s behaviour like displays of aggression and unpredictability in some species (ex. Pit-bull dog). For instance, take a typical housecat in comparison to a wild one, the distinction being how domesticated cats cannot roam around freely and are unable to pursue their natural inbuilt instincts. Likewise, our attempts at replicating their habitats are not always successful with a striking toll of a 70% lifespan reduction. Cattle farming has now ceased in it’s worth as it is proven that milk and red meat (a major cause of bowel cancer) are not compulsory in our diets shown by certain cultures and the imbuement of lactose intolerance.

To conclude, before deciding take into account the concerns in regard of our ecosystem as it adversely influences all our lives. Moreover, the ability of manipulating one’s environment to make up for flaws is an abstraction which Homo Sapiens employ for their own betterment and is by no means malicious by nature rather to move up the food chain, another meagre attempt at the naturally-occurring phenomena of “Survival of the fittest”.


Red Meat and Cancer: What’s the Connection? (

A Brief History of Dogs (

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Domesticating Animals? – ZooNerdy

Domestication (

DNA hints at earlier dog evolution – BBC News

Congrats, humans: We’ve saved up to 48 species from extinction (


The Brain’s Perception of Time

I am exploring how the brain has a perception of time and how accurate it is in different environments and at different ages. Will the brain be easily capable of knowing it or will it struggle immensely? This experiment will see the average of the brain’s perception of time and how close it is to 2 minutes. The person doing it will first do what ever is on the graph (closed eyes, opened eyes, and go outside). Then they will  not count in their head but instead they will try and predict when 2 minutes is up and then I will record the time they got and may add in any other things I see that should be also mentioned.

On my 47 year old closed eyes experiment they said, “I think I am halfway through,” when 58 seconds had past and they said, ” I think a minute has past,”  when she was on 1.13 this probably would happen with other people but no one else said anything because when I did myself I thought 2 minutes was up when it was 1.09, then when I adjusted I got 1.58, this leads me to believe that are mine and some other brains can tell when 1 and 2 minutes is up it just can’t tell the difference. This is interesting because it shows that our brain is accustomed with are abstract and man made methods of time tracking so since 3500 BC we have been shaping our brain. The reason why some people may not have effect may be genetic or general lifestyle.

When your eyes are closed time speeds up for your brain because everyone on closed eyes always went under the 2 minutes (or 1 minute) except for 4 people and one of which I think is wrong and there is probably a variable which was unintended because all the other 11 year olds followed the pattern. Now we are left with 3 people and these people are 47, 78 and 79 which may imply that the older people- and less exposed to technology- may wait longer because of longer attention spans due to lack of exposure to technology (TikTok).

Note: I have only got 7 people so please take this with a grain of salt.


Is time travel possible?

One of the many ideas that come up repeatedly in science fiction novels and films is the use of “time travel”. While this concept may seem restricted to the works of fiction, it may be surprising to find that the laws of real world physics may allow for it too.

Time is a fuzzy term and has been interpreted differently throughout the ages. The current theory is to treat time as a fourth dimension in Minkowski space-time (x,y,z and Ct for time). Everything moves through this Minkowski space at the same speed: the speed of light.

There are many theories about the nature of time and depending on which one you use, theoretical time travel would work differently or just not at all. The one I will examine is called Block theory. The premise of this theory is that the events of time are like a film where each frame of the film is a different moment in time. All the frames are stacked on top of each other to form a block, from the big bang to the end of the universe. Past, present and future are all equally valid realities happening simultaneously. This theory is most accommodating of time travel so we will use it for this discussion. It also most correctly aligns with Einstein’s theory of relativity and Minkowski space. Time and space are connected. We can visualise this on a Minkowski diagram where we put time (Ct) on the y axis and space (x) on the x axis (see fig 1) Now visualise an event in time and space which is represented by a point on the graph (labelled A). You move at a different rate though time than others who are going at different physical speeds. This is called time dilation. So how do we visualise this on the graph? Translating between one perspective and another uses what is known as a Lorentz transformation. You can think of it as a change in the basis of time and space, or tilting of the axes. Whilst one person viewing an event at point A will experience it as measured by the black axes, another person’s perspective, represented by the blue axes, experience event A at a different point in time and space.

Fig 1. Minkowski diagram showing a Lorentz transformation. Event A is happening at a different time and location to one person compared to another as their version of time is different.

Now onto time travel. I have mentioned before the idea of time dilation and how a block universe would allow for time travel. Note, this is only time travel into the future; it is a whole other discussion whether time travel into the past is theoretically possible. So how could we actually implement this? Well, you may have heard of the twin paradox. Identical twins are separated, one stays on earth and the other goes into space in a rocket moving at relativistic speeds. After some time you find the twin on earth has aged more than the twin travelling in space. We could in theory use this to transport someone into the future. We could manipulate the laws of special relativity to make someone experience time slower than those around them and then coming out into the future. But how exactly could we do this?

There are 2 main options to do this: use high speeds or use gravity. High speed is simple: just create a device that transports someone at close to the speed of light and the universe around them will move faster in time, then take them out of the device and now they are in the future. To calculate exact timings you would use this equation: ΔT’=ΔT 1/√1-(V^2/C^2). ΔT is the proper time interval in the frame of reference of whatever is moving. ΔT’ is the dilated time and is what stationary observers experience outside the inertial frame of reference. You may notice that you can substitute the last part for the Lorentz factor making the equation look like this:  ΔT’=ΔT γ. So let’s try send someone into the future! We will begin sending someone 10 years into the future. If we could accelerate human to 0.8 C(this is term V in the equation), it would take about 6 years(ΔT) at that speed for somewhere stationary to experience 10 years(ΔT’) passing. We can see this because: ΔT’=ΔT 1/√1-(V^2/C^2), 10= ΔT/√1-(0.8^2), rearrange to get ΔT=10(√1-0.64 and we find we get 6 years. The other option is gravitational time dilation, which is less easy. The theory of general relativity states that space-time is like a 4-D fabric that contours to masses and that contouring causes gravity. Earlier we stated that the 4th dimension was time. Now applying the fabric analogy we realise that time curves too, this is shown in fig 2.

Fig 2. Diagram of dilated time due to gravity. The yellow line shows it takes longer to travel from A to B in space-time with this gravitational curvature than with no gravity as shown in the green line.

The way to calculate this would be  ΔT’=ΔT/√1-R/r. R is the Schwarzschild radii and r is the distance from it. With this option, we could find a body with the appropriate gravitational field strength, and therefore Schwarzschild radii, for time travel. Now with gravity. Set the Schwarzschild radius (or effective event horizon) to 314 meters(R) and the radius of the object to 12000 km(r). For the universe around you to pass 10 years(ΔT’), you must stay at this level of gravity for 10.002 seconds. As you can imagine, with faster speeds or higher gravity and over longer time periods, we could jump forward 10,000 years into the future in a matter of months! Play around with these equations yourself to get a feel of what could be possible with time travel. Despite the obvious limitations of being torn to shreds by G force or being ripped apart by gravity, it is a fascinating prospect that one day we may overcome these hurdles and be able to travel into the future.

HIGHLY COMMENDED – William (Year 7)

During half term, Albert Newton went to the city of London. His favourite part of the trip was going to the theatre and watching Back to the Future the Musical. It was brilliant; everyone was amazed. He had many questions about whether time travel was possible. Once home, he went on Google and looked up ‘time travel’. He was engulfed into the world of science. He watched videos about Einstein’s theory of relativity and time dilation. He was fascinated. He learnt about black holes, spaghettification, event horizons and singularities. He watched a video on wormholes, about how they can transport you from one part of the universe to another. It was so much to take in, he fell straight to sleep.

He kept thinking about questions: is 88mph fast enough to time travel? How fast could he go in a rocket? Would time go faster on the Moon? Albert decided to test his theory of time being faster on the Moon. In his small rocket, he made sure he had everything. The engine, including a flux capacitor, was serviced and the fuel tank was full. The journey would take 3 days. Once in space, Albert tried to test his theory of time being faster on the Moon because gravity is less. It was too hard to see any difference because the difference in gravity was too small. After 3 hours on the Moon and some complicated calculations, he came to his conclusion that time passes 0.66 microseconds faster on the Moon than on Earth. He also examined some Moon dust and discovered it can be used as a fuel. With this information, Albert added some moon dust to his fuel and mixed it up – he was hoping it would make his rocket go faster. Now understanding that gravitational pull affects how fast time goes, he decided to complete his secret mission. He would need to travel somewhere where time stands still…

Albert, now focused on his mission, packed up his things and started the engine. With the energy of the moon dust, he was able to travel 1,560 light years away in one day. He came to the event horizon of a black hole and quickly stopped before he was spaghettified in to the singularity. He knew he would have all the time in the world because gravity was so strong that time stands still. Here he could work on his project; a renewable energy that everyone can use. He was going to figure out a way to make hydrogen energy cheap and reliable. After three years, Newton had figured it out. He travelled to the nearest wormhole and was transported back to the solar system in a matter of seconds and just before the wormhole collapsed in on itself. He was pleased to be home and quickly shared his invention with the head of the United Nations to make sure everyone would benefit from it.

A loud ringing suddenly woke Albert up. It had been a dream, but there was one question it hadn’t answered: if time was still, would he still grow older?


Time Dilation – Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity Explained! – YouTube

Student Video: Space Place in a Snap: What Is a Black Hole? | NASA/JPL

Edu gravity – Why does time pass faster in moon than the earth? – Astronomy Stack Exchange

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